Aspects such as the adaptation of the macro-features as well as the micro-features of the background are identified and critically analysed Chapter 4 deals with the adaptation of the character element. In Chapter 1 of this study, the research aims and objectives are formulated. Show full item record. Background information on the production of the screen version is also provided. Chapter 6 contains a general conclusion which will finally present the observations and findings drawn from the entire study. It also deals with the manner in which each of these elements is subjected to the process of adaptation. unyana womntu part 3

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The section will be concluded with a discussion on the different sub-types of the drama which can be found, including the screen production.

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Since the screen production belongs to the genre of the performing arts, this chapter is introduced with womtu discussion on the performing arts and on the drama, in particular. Aspects such as the adaptation of the macro-features as well as the micro-features of the background are identified and critically analysed Chapter 4 deals with the adaptation of the character element.

It also deals with the manner in which each of these elements is subjected to the process of adaptation. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. This pzrt is based upon a well-constructed theoretical framework that addresses the various aspects of the plot, as found within narrative texts.

The research methods that are to be followed will involve a thorough reading of the written text, as well as a comprehensive repetitive viewing of all the episodes of the screen version. Contact Us Send Feedback.

ncedile saule unyana womntu part 3

The aim of this chapter is to identify and discuss the most important principles which come into play when the written text is adapted into a screen production. Show full item record. Womnyu features of this site may not work without it. The main emphasis is on an analysis of the basic features and principles of the drama in screen format.

unyana womntu part 3

The specific features of the Xhosa novel will also receive attention. This study comprises of six chapters.

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In Chapter 1 of this study, the research aims and objectives are formulated. In the final part of Chapter 1, background information is provided on the personal life of the author as well as on his contributions to the African literary tradition.

Chapter 6 contains a general conclusion which will finally present the observations and findings drawn from the entire study.

unyana womntu part 3

This discussion takes place within a particular theoretical framework which defines the essential elements of characterization within the novel and within the drama respectively.

Background information on the production of the screen version is also provided. In the Chapter 2, the theoretical aspects of the phenomenon of literary adaptation are discussed. Since the screen play Unyana Womntu is based upon a novel by the same title, the literary features of the novel are to be discussed here as well.


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